Provider Focused Quality with MD-Stat

Cloud-based OPPE, FPPE, and Peer Review Software


MD-Staff Key Icon

Data Friendly

Direct HL7 interfaces, exports, custom spreadsheets, and MD-Staff data access. MD-Stat handles all types of data, whether it’s streaming data, manually uploaded, exported automatically or manually entered.


Super Flexible

Leave the data validation, cleaning and analysis to us. Keep your data sources simple. MD-Stat can take your data sources process them, and validate them as-is, saving you the hassle of complicated data transformations.

Drag and Drop

Beautiful Report Cards

Report cards make it easy to understand how a provider is performing at your facility. Easily track performance, find outliers and compare them with their peers. Customizable thresholds and indicators allow limitless combinations.

Live Data

Optimized for Mobile

Optimized for phones and tablets, providers and managers can view and edit data, charts and reports on the go. MD-Stat is full-functioning on tablets and phones giving you complete access from anywhere.

Drag and Drop

Compelling Analytics

MD-Stat provides a range of built in and customizable charts and reports that can help your organization analyze data, find problems, and make important decisions.

Live Data

Globally Focused

MD-Stat is a global product with localized date formats and user-specific language settings. No matter where your facility is located, MD-Stat will enable you to improve your quality of care.